Make Your Fearless Impact
And Love the Journey
What I know: We each have this wild and precious life. We can impact the world on purpose. The journey can feel good.
Maybe work is sandpaper rubbing you away. Your daily commitments, expectations, workplace environment simply do not make use of your super powers nor position you to make the impact you want to create in this world.
Or maybe you have a team that you know could fit so much better together, you are just not sure how to get there.
I work with passion-fueled women and teams to stand in grounded confidence, raise their impact, and have fun along the way. To rediscover operating as their best, most favorite selves. And to live their unique, signature impacts.

After twenty-five years in the U.S. Congress, U.S. Executive Branch, a Fortune 100, a coalition for international nonprofits, holding workshops and bootcamps, and coaching countless changemakers, one thing I know is that we--as individuals and teams--get in our own ways. As we allow internal and interpersonal friction to rule, we lose impact and joy. As we allow fear to squelch our voices and hold us back, we lose the courageous, gorgeous impacts that we each--in the quiet of the night or the dawn of a new day--believe we are here to make.
So I hold workshops, bootcamps, and coach. To see with clarity. To get out of our own ways. To have the impacts that our souls crave while loving the journey. To choose to be fully alive and show up with compassion and courage. It takes courage to move beyond our comfort zones and into our growth zones. It is a choice.
Join me in getting clear, skilling up, and navigating a journey of incredible impact, to build the world we want and to live lives well led. Let's talk! Click to schedule a call.